The Delilah in your Life

Opinions & Analysis Sermon



Case Study on Samson

Text: Judges 13:1-5, 16:1, 14:4, 13:5


According to researchers, the name Samson means…Sunshine. His birth was announced by an angel in Judges 13.

Samson was given birth to in 1045 BC. He shared honour with John the baptist and Jesus Christ; which means his birth was prophesied. He was a Nazarene from birth, who was used to deliver the Israelites from the hands of the Philistines….Judges 13:5.

What is to be noticed is that what was given to him as strength, was what eventually caused his weakness.

*The Weaknesses of Samson*

1.Samson placed his trust in man…Judges 16: 16 -19…. The woman he trusted was his enemy unknown to him.

As Christians today, who do we trust?

2.He trusted in his own power. Judges 14

3.He had the spirit of God, but his lustful soul put him in trouble.

4.He was courageous before men, but weak when it comes to women…..Pro 5: 3,6.


The name Delilah means seduction and treacherous. She was of the tribe of the Philistines. Like her name implies, she pretended and deceived.

*Lessons to learn from her character*

a.She was a soul hunter sent to capture Samson’s heart for evil.

b.She was a betrayal.

c.Her story also demonstrates the havoc that strange woman can wreck in the life of a man.

*Some facts to know about sin*

# The deeper we allow ourselves to be influenced by glamour and allurements of sin, the more we become blind to it. Judges 16:20


# We must accept that sin can enter into a man’s life in any form except he stands firm.

# Sin takes man farther than he intends to go. Example David.

# Sin keeps a man longer than he intends to stay.

# It also costs a man more than he intends to pay.

*Comparison of the story to our lives as Christians*

Samson can be likened to Christians today….1Pet 2:9

Delilah on the other hand, can be likened to sins that easily beset us…2Corith 5:20

The lords of the Philistines mentioned in the passage can be likened to the devil, whose mission is to kill souls of men….1Pet 5:8

*How to conquer the Delilahs of our lives*

i. Identify your own Delilah.

ii. Know your strong and weak points.

iii. Repent and determine to forsake every Delilah of your life.

iv. There is need for one to be careful in ones’ daily walk of the Christian race…..1Corinth 16

v. There is also need to remember always that we are the temple of God.

vi. Lastly, we are charged to pray always….1Thess 5:17