Job Posting is an official announcement of job openings to create awareness for job seekers who are in need of jobs. It is a platform whereby organizations companies etc reach out to individuals with available job opportunities for candidates who are interested in the jobs.
To create an effective job posting, these are the requirements;
1. Job Title
2. Company overview
3. Responsibilities
4. Requirements of the candidate
5. Location
6. Salary and Benefits
7. How to apply
8. Contact information
Jobs are circulated through the following;
* Career Site
* Social Media
* Job boards
* Local Media
* Newspapers
* News letters etc.
Job postings sites include;
* Jobberman
* Grabjobs
* Hotnigerianjobs
* My job mag
* Joblist Nigeria
* Snaphunt
* Indeed
* Jobgurus
* Glassdoor: Free and Premium
These sites offer job opportunities for individuals who are seeking for jobs all over Nigeria.